Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Confessions of an Empty Nester

Part Three in The Avenue District Empty Nester blog series

In March 2007, Sabra Davis, administrator of the Zillow real estate blog at, gave a detailed personal account titled, “Confessions of an Empty Nester,” describing the new life her and her husband pursued after her children grew up.

“…Now our family is grown, and my husband and I decided the next chapter in our lives would be more exciting and invigorating if we said goodbye to The House. And so we did…”

“…Our everyday lives have changed in every way imaginable. We don’t own a car, so we walk everywhere, including to and from work. We use the bus or ferry if we want to go farther afield. This has had a profound effect on how we interact with people. We realize now that the cocoons of our cars kept us well insulated from the people around us. Our genuine interactions were with family and coworkers, the only people who saw us stripped of the metal that clothed and protected us. Our neighbors, we discovered, were virtually strangers…” Click here for full post.

Part Two: Second Homes Get Closer to Home
Part One: Empty Nesters Filling Downtown Spaces